Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Power of Prayer...

So today was the first day of co-op. I really don't enjoy co-op that much and I was pretty nervous and anxious about teaching Michigan History and the dreaded Mrs. Osborn’s writing. Then I remembered a verse Pastor Colp preached about two weeks ago. Philippians 4: 6-7, 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus.' So I got my Bible out and started to memorize it. I just kept repeating it over and over and I felt so much more peaceful starting co-op. I also had my LMC class tonight, which I really hated the first one. So I kept saying the verse over and over on the way there. And I had an amazing class! And even made a friend!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Last 1st day of school :(

Today was my last first day of Highschool. And also my first, first day of college. Since My Math class doesn't start till tonight, my 2 co-op classes don't start till Thursday and I don't start Spanish till tomorrow I only had 2 subjects to do today: Accounting and Government. (Keep in mind that I already started these books before today) And boy did I get alot done today!!! I have completed my first 15 days of Accounting and the first 5 days of Government (minus starting a 2 page paper) !!!! I also planned the class time of my Michigan History class and babysat for 3 1/2 hours!!!!

Dear Jesus, Thank you for helping me get so much done today and please keep me motivated this school year! Amen

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summer days are driften away....

Naomi's top 10 summer events (that I can think of):

10. Being TP’d....... twice

After all the times I have td'd other people it was bound to happen sometime or another.
9. Once again being an only child again

This takes alot of adjusting


Me with the trophy I won in 2002!

I won Reserve Champion for my picture!

7.Parents in Pennsylvania
Need I say more?

6. IYC

I really do like babysitting most of the time. Here I am with Ian and Zach. I love playing with them.
O my gosh! I got to go surfing in California! Best surprise ever!

3.Getting a car
This is what it looks like on the inside minus the manuel.
This is the second summer I got to build a house for a family in Tijuana, Mexico. It's such an amazing experience!
Romans 12
1.Abby’and Aaron's Wedding

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Jeremy goes home :(

Jeremy went home this week :( It was so sad. I hope they choose him for the next Bacheltor!

I really hope that DeAnna chooses Jason. They seem like they whould be a much better couple than DeAnna and Jesse.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Bachelorette; Graham went home :(

I was so sad Graham was sent home. But Deannas reasons for sending him home were good.

I though the Call out order would be:
Jason (she really seemed to like his family and son)
Then Jesse and Graham.
Boy did I get it wrong!

Real call out order:
Jesse (I really don't like him)

Once she said Jesse first I knew Graham was going home. I will be so mad if she sends Jeremy or Jason home next!!!!

I'm pretty sure that it will either be Jason or Jesse going home next week. I'm really hoping it's Jesse! I think if Jesse wins the show I will be really really really mad! If Jeremy doesn't win I think that he would make a really good Bachelor. He's rich, a lawyer, has a really nice house and most importantly..... he is really hot :)

Ahhh. I can't decide if I like Jason or Jeremy more!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Bachelorette

Well, Deanna how now narrowed is down it 4 guys.

My favorite is Jason. He is 31 and an account executive. He also has an adorable 3 year old named Ty.

My close second is Jeremy. Jeremy is a 30 year old Real estate attorney. Both guys seem to have true feeling for Deanna. And they both know what they want.

Graham is a complete hottie. He is 29 and a Professional basketball player. I think he and Deanna are so cute together, and they really like each other. But when it comes down to it, Deanna wants a man who is ready to get married and comit to her right now, and Graham isn't ready to do that.

Jesse is my least favorite. He is 26 and a Professional snowboarder. He is all wrong for Deanna. They seem more like friends than anything. Plus he is the only guy remaining that hasn't kissed her yet.

I'm guessing after the home town dates either Jesse or Graham will go home. For sure I'm guessing Jason and Jeremy will be in the top two.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Bachelorette

This season of “The Bachelorette” the bachelorette is Deanna Papas who was on “The Bachelor” with Brad Womak. How ever Brad broke her heart and sent her home. Now Deanna is back to find her husband. As of right now we are 3 episodes in to the season. Deanna has gone from 25 bachelors to 9.

Episode 3, Deanna chose Richard to go on a 1 on 1 date with her. But because she didn’t see her and Richard as being more than friends, he was sent home. Because of this tension with the boys grew because now they could see how serious Deanna was in this process. The next date was a group date with Brian, Sean, Jesse, Graham, Fred, Robert, Twilly, Jeremy, Paul and Ron. When Deanna had 1 on 1 time with Ron she chose to spend it talking about how she was mad that Ron was giving Jeremy a hard time for being chosen 2 weeks in a row to live in the house with Deanna (The first 3 roses given out go to the 3 men who will be living in the house with Deanna). In the end, Roberts opening up to Deanna earned him the date rose. The second 1 on 1 date was with Jason. Jason told Deanna for the first time about his 3 year old son, Ty. In the end, Deanna gave him a rose. Deanna brought all the men on the ellen show to get her opinion of the group. Ellen gave out a rose to Fred because of how he opened up. On elimination night Deanna gave Jason a star named after his son, Ty, to show how she was totally okay with Jason having a son.

Rose call out order:
Robert – date rose
Jason- date rose
Fred- date rose

Sending home:

My favorite to least favorite:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Warning: May cause panic attack

There are many benefits having a small car. Like come better mpg, easier to back up (for me at least)... However for people like me. Car manufacturing companies may want the consider the following: Warning: serious side effects from this car may be death... from panic attack.
Why do I think this is necessary? you may be asking yourselves. Well. My first panic attack experience was at Martins. I was in the parking lot when a man asked me: Did you lose your car? I guess is was pretty obvious because what kind of person walks around the martins parking lot for 5 minuets with grocery bags in hand! and this is only the beginning of my many experiences! (fyi: Walmarts parking lot may seem big, but when searching for your car in it, it feels like a city!)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


*As you may have noticed I am not the best at keeping my blog updated. I am sorry. I normally blog from my Moms computer because my computer freezes up a lot making the blogging process take forever. My Moms computer got a virus so it is in the shop and my computer is being blocked by a couch and a chair. Now, enough with the excuses!!!!
*Yesterday was such a pretty day! I am so happy when days like that come around. I didn't even really mind mowing.
*I think I want to run a 5k. I've never done something like that and I think it may be fun. Does anybody want to be my accountability partner and do it with me?
*Tomorrow is the last day of co-op. PTL. One more year baby! Next year I am only doing 2nd and 3rd hour at co-op. Second hour 1st semester I will be taking Mrs. Osborn’s research writing class and 2nd semester I will be taking speech. I am really excited about 3rd hour because I will be teaching the 3rd-4th grade Michigan History class. I really like history.
*Abby is graduating from college on Saturday. She is getting really old! I'm really glad she is my sister :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Can it get much better than this?

Sometimes I get jealous that other kids get to go to school and see their friends all day. But sometimes it is nice to be homeschooled. Like when it's 75 degrees outside and I get to do school outside laying out (and drinking lemonade), when other kids are cooped up in a building.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Takin' a Lake APRIL!

So Beth and I went for a dip in Lake Michigan tonight!

We were a little nervous at first..........................but we were both really excited!

Beth dipping in.

And me going in!

Monday, April 14, 2008


“Procrastination is the thief of time.” - Edward Young (1683-1765)

According to procrastination is the act of putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time.

Do you every find yourself saying any of the following?:
"I'm more productive when I work under pressure, so I'm postponing all my work until the pressure builds up and then I'll get it done easily."
"I don't know how to do this problem, so I'm waiting until I know how before I do it."
"This task isn't getting done because I really don't want to do it. And that's the honest truth"
"Relax. The world isn't going to come to an end if this doesn't get done."
"This job is easier to do when I'm in the mood, and I'm simply not in the mood right now."
"I waited until the last moment before and it worked out okay, so why not this time?"
"If I wait until the last minute, I won't spend so much time on it."
"If I do this work right now, I'll miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime social event."
"I've worked on this for so long that I have no interest or energy for it."

If you have ever said any of these, chances are that you spend percentages of time procrastinating. You can also take this test at to find out just how much you procrastinate.

Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help.

So why do we procrastingate?

Difficult - the task seems hard to do; we naturally tend to avoid difficult things in favor of those which seem easy to us.
Time-consuming - the task will take large blocks of time, and large blocks of time are unavailable until the weekend.
Lack of knowledge or skills - no one wants to make mistakes, so wait until you learn how before you start.
Fears - everyone will know how you screwed up.

Steps to the Cure
Realize you are delaying something unnecessarily.
Discover the real reasons for your delay. List them.
I'm delaying on ________ because
Reasons for Delay


Arguments Against Delay





Dispute those real reasons and overcome them. Be vigorous.
Begin the task.
Procrastination is reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward that task. Every time you put off something you dislike, you:
strengthen the habit of not doing;
practice avoidance instead of participation;
avoid acquiring training and skills, and
indoctrinate yourself with fears.

Procrastingation is something you must keep working on. But once you’ve got in better habits you'll be able to resolve any situation much more quickly which in turn will enhance your feelings of self-confidence. When you do succeed, take time to savor the moment so you will remember how good it feels. This will help the next time you need encouragement.
Treat the discovery process like a game, and have some fun with yourself.

Co-op 4 weeks and counting

So I am pretty excited about only having 4 more weeks of co-op.

Plus I am going on a college visit this Thursday so I will miss the class time this week (ptl).

Friday, April 11, 2008


So last Saturday I went to a cubs game...and it was really fun.