Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Power of Prayer...

So today was the first day of co-op. I really don't enjoy co-op that much and I was pretty nervous and anxious about teaching Michigan History and the dreaded Mrs. Osborn’s writing. Then I remembered a verse Pastor Colp preached about two weeks ago. Philippians 4: 6-7, 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus.' So I got my Bible out and started to memorize it. I just kept repeating it over and over and I felt so much more peaceful starting co-op. I also had my LMC class tonight, which I really hated the first one. So I kept saying the verse over and over on the way there. And I had an amazing class! And even made a friend!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Last 1st day of school :(

Today was my last first day of Highschool. And also my first, first day of college. Since My Math class doesn't start till tonight, my 2 co-op classes don't start till Thursday and I don't start Spanish till tomorrow I only had 2 subjects to do today: Accounting and Government. (Keep in mind that I already started these books before today) And boy did I get alot done today!!! I have completed my first 15 days of Accounting and the first 5 days of Government (minus starting a 2 page paper) !!!! I also planned the class time of my Michigan History class and babysat for 3 1/2 hours!!!!

Dear Jesus, Thank you for helping me get so much done today and please keep me motivated this school year! Amen