Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A not-so-fun night

I have been having one not-fun night. My throat hurts so bad to breath, swallowing is even worse.

11:00 pm. Try to fall asleep and can't
11:30 pm. Take my mom's computer and watch LOST in my bed.
12:00 am. I was so cold I was shivering uncontrollably so I got the thermometer.
12:00 am. 98.2 F. I am normally only like 97.5 F. I fill my water bottle with ice water and go back to bed.
1:30 am. LOST gets over. 99.7 F. I go to sleep
3:20 am. I wake up. 99.5 F. I go out in the kitchen and make hot lemonade with honey. I also get Smallville to watch in bed.
3:42 am. I get back to bed. 100.0 F.
4:10 am. 99.8 F.
5:10 am. 99.3 F.

I am so tired yet I can't fall asleep. Total Sleep So Far: About 1 hour and 50 minutes.


Unknown said...

OOhhhh I'm so sorry honey!!

Attica Raider said...

you take your tempurature an awful lot naomi. haven't
seen you in pretty much forever. that makes me sad
